Just. So. Happy.

Yeah Riiiiight

Em is pursuing the lap band procedure. It's not going to happen anytime soon because our healthcare provider doesn't cover it. So she's going to have to appeal that and see where that gets her but she's pretty sure she doesn't want the bypass now because it's so drastic. Two of the people on the show yesterday had had the lap band, one of them had had bypass. I've read/seen/heard a lot recently, about WLS in general, because of Em's investigations.

And, without fail, somebody will say something to the effect that WLS isn't the easy way out. You still have to -- and excuse me, but this is the part where I tune out -- change your eating, increase your activity, blah blah fucking blah.

Eating less isn't easy. WLS isn't easy.

If both of those things are equally hard -- why would you choose to let someone cut into you? If both of those things are equally hard -- why in the world would you add the risk of anesthesia?

You wouldn't. The only reason to choose WLS over dieting is because -- say it with me -- It's EASIER!

Now I'm not anti-surgery -- in fact, if I keep battling all of this and my blood sugar keeps going up and the pounds just aren't coming off -- you can be damned sure I'll have my substantial anesthestetized ass on that surgical table. But it will be because I just can't stop eating. Because I can't motivate myself to get off my ass and get some exercise. Because I'm tired of thinking about it and investing so much of my energy in it.

I'm not knocking anyone here, so don't be hatin'. I just think that people who choose surgery should stop trying to convince people that it isn't any easier than dieting.

When your stomach is the size of a shot glass, what isn't easy is GAINING weight. See, that would be why you did it. So SAY SO.

Or, you know, don't. But at least stop jumping all over people for saying what you're not willing to admit. Surgery may not be easy. But it's for damn sure easiER.